The Students of Engineering 1P01 - 2021
Student 1
This student was a fourth-year Physics major attending Brock University.
Student 2
This student was a second-year computer science student at Brock University. He was granted a co-op position in Brock’s electronic shop during the 12th grade, leading to a Specialist High Skills Major in Manufacturing. He has varying interests, including programming, writing and playing music, and writing stories.
Student 3
This student was a fourth-year public health student in the Niagara region. She has a diploma studying photonics. Some of her significant extracurricular achievements include a 1st place ranking in public speaking competitions and music competitions. One of her primary interests is photography and horticulture, with a focus on green spaces. She combines photographs taken in nature and other settings with different concepts to create different perspectives within one environment.
Student 4
This student was a fourth-year Marketing and Economics Major attending the Goodman School of Business at Brock University. His love for economics and marketing is accompanied by his interest in engineering, technology, and design. He thinks of marketing as a creative science and believes it offers many transferrable skills to the engineering and design world. He finds inspiration from Jonathon Ive and Mike Matas, who are responsible for what technology looks and feels like today. His focus for this project is to create a user-friendly design that presents intuition rather than complication.
Student 5
Student 5 is a twenty-one-year-old student at Brock University studying in the fields of Mathematics and Education. She is in the fourth year of her undergraduate degree. This student enjoyed spending time learning about new topics that are of interest to her. She felt as though the more education she can gain, the better. Outside of school, she liked participating in hands-on activities such as sports, arts, and travel. She enjoys travel as she likes to see new places and things and appreciate how they came about. This is relative to the project at hand because she can use this passion to create an idea of her own in the town she currently resides in, St. Catharines Ontario.
Student 6
This student is an undergraduate at Brock University who is interested in the philosophy of technology and science. He enjoys writing about how various disciplines interact to help sustain communities. He brings to all of his work diverse perspectives and sensitivity to issues that concern the environment, culture and social interactions.
The Instructor for Engineering 1P01 - Professor, Troy David Ouellette, PhD
Ouellette is an Assistant Digital Media and Design Professor in Visual Art at Brock University. Ouellette is an artist/researcher specializing in Assemblage theory, technology and conceptual art. His creative practice bridges electronics, new media, sound art, architecture and eco-design aesthetics. From 1999 until 2006, he was the Sculpture Facilitator at the Banff Centre for the Arts in Banff, Alberta, where he worked with First Nations and resident artists within an international context. His work has been included in several solo and group exhibitions in Canada, Australia and the United States.